
Substitute Teacher Training Class
Our schools and students need you! Learn effective classroom and behavior management skills, teaching strategies to use in all situations, the best ways to be prepared and professional, activities to use with students who finish early, whole class activities when the lesson plans aren’t left by the permanent teacher, and activities to use for those five minutes before the bell rings. In just two short 3 hour sessions, taught by experience RSU #3 substitute teachers and staff, you can be trained and earning $135 a day!
Career Advising At Mt. View High School
Our goal for students is to find the right job or career. We believe that, “If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life.” With our wide variety of inventories we can discover where your interests and aptitudes lie. Starting with the World of Work Inventory (WOWI) we can administer as many tests as you want to complete. What is your Personality Style? Your Temperament? Your Holland Code? From there we will guide you to online research on careers that are a match for you. Next, we can explore how to reach your newfound career goal whether it be college or training. It’s free and it’s time! Take advantage of what your local Adult Ed has to offer! Call or email for an appointment!

Digital Literacy Skills Training
Start where you are: whether you are learning to type or have little or no knowledge of computers We offer an intro to the Google Suite and Microsoft programs. And guess what? We won’t stick you on a computer to learn by yourself! Bonus! Earn a credential of value for your resume from Northstar Digital Literacy. Call or email for an appointment! Fee: No charge. Provided by Maine College & Career Access. Classes Available Thursdays, between 5&7pm beginning September 8th.
Job Search
Another free service is learning all you need to know to prepare for finding and keeping a job. Starting with the job search, you will look at applications and interviewing, create a letterhead, reference page and cover letter. Get the jump on the competition with quality preparation! Call or email for an appointment. Fee: No charge. Provided by Maine College & Career Access

Community Career Training Opportunities: